Using Social For Connection & Outreach

As a Digital Media agency, the small role we can play is to ensure that any products, services, concepts, and messages we put forth for ourselves or on behalf of our valued clients, are accurate, providing value, inspiring positivity, and grounded in truth. This is the only way to resonate with the audiences we reach – helping them to make educated decisions.

Digital Evolution During the Pandemic

The digital world’s evolution has undergone an acceleration like no other. It’s no secret that when new tech emerges, the public consumes and normalizes it. But whereas in regular times, modern advancement is usually a walk-don’t-run scenario. During the pandemic, Grandma has had to learn how to FaceTime… quickly. Necessity around technology has pushed us to get caught up.

So today we’re celebrating the unification of generations in the digital world – and our hope? That it will make the “new normal” feel a little bit more seamless and united ❤️

Let’s Talk About Cancel Culture

Order in the court of public opinion ????‍⚖️????‍⚖️ Let’s talk about cancel culture ????⠀

Recent celebrity “cancellations” got us thinking about when social media is playing the part of the bully it’s also trying to root out.⠀

Like most things on social, this is unchartered and ever-changing territory. A media platform that started over a decade ago upon a vision of creating community somehow ended up in front of Congress, being questioned on its power to deeply damage human lives.⠀

And yet to date, there is no authority or accountablity when it comes to “cancelling,” begging the question: Who is running the show – is it the platform, or the people?

Media ↔️ Creative

???? Hey D2C brands, here’s a #QTip: your ads don’t have to look basic in order to perform. Invest in your design as much as you do in your data, with media and creative under one roof.

Our instructions for achieving your paid media goals? Thumb stopping content. A/B/C testing. Rinse and repeat.

Q: What does it mean to be inclusive?

As marketers and advertisers, at the very minimum we must stand up visibly and proudly for the ethics we claim to value – in our work, in our conversations, in our operations, and in our brand. From the simple tweet to the complex website build, the written and visual statements we craft on behalf of brands have the power to influence minds, hearts, and wallets. If we are to be truly inclusive and anti-racist then we must recognize, speak to, and empower all walks of life. Period. ✊

Q: What does “Resonance” mean?

???? But what does #Resonance mean? ⁣⁣

For us, it means telling, elevating, and amplifying stories both how and where they need to be told. ⁣

It shouldn’t take an RFP (or even a pandemic) for us to think about how we can deliver messaging that truly connects people.⁣

So agency to agency, tell us, – is just separating the letters in a brand’s logo the best we can do right now?⁣

We don’t think so.⁣⁣

If you need us, this small digital marketing agency will be busy in the virtual trenches with our clients, digging deeper. ⁣✌️

Q: Have You Heard of #TextNeck?

Called an “epidemic” by @washingtonpost and a “literal pain in the neck” by @nbcnews, this is an actual medical condition in 2020. Looking down at your phone can put up to ten pounds of pressure on your spine, and can potentially cause discs in your neck to bulge over time. ⁣

Since we are a digital marketing agency (and not doctors) we will not prescribe exercises but simply encourage you to perhaps: ⁣

????Keep your head up – both literally and metaphorically.

Liquid Design

Have you been seeing a lot of #LiquidDesign on your feed lately? ???? ???? ????

As social media brings design trends to the forefront of digital, the demand for certain aesthetics begins to affect the demand for certain skillsets.

For example, #LiquidDesign is a reflection of the internet’s obsession with 3D and motion graphics. Agencies are increasingly on the prowl for designers that understand the shift in this trend, and can work in programs like Cinema4d.

Designers and agencies – what do you think? ????

Brand Loyalty Matters

???? Let’s talk next level brand loyalty. Whether you’re popping bottles of Cristal the regular or prefer a crisp glass of Andre in a paper cup, these choices add to your personal brand.⁣